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Development Programmes

A small selection from our range of training programmes.  Available for both interactive, virtual delivery or face-to-face.


Developing a Coaching Culture

Empowering all leaders in your organisation to develop a coaching mindset and provide them with the training they need to adopt this way of managing can bring about phenomenal change to an organisation.  A coaching culture helps develop all of your team members to achieve their full potential.  This programme has an optional executive workshop to explore what a true coaching culture looks like and what needs to be in place to create and embed one.


Flourishing Females

The Flourishing Females programme has been developed to help women to gain the self-confidence, skills and knowledge to rise to the top.  The programme covers a range of topics to help women better understand themselves and those they work with to create the women leaders of the future.

Image by Pedro Sanz


This popular workshop has been well received during the recent turbulent times.  Helping delegates to explore what causes their individual stress and developing plans to build up their own resilience.

Image by LinkedIn Sales Solutions

Manager As Coach

This programme develops the coaching skills of managers and leaders.  Enabling them to have more focused conversations and develop their teams' skills, confidence and self-reliance.   


The interactive group workshops include coaching practice with real live issues and allow the group to develop their skills in a safe environment and receive feedback. 


Landing Change

This programme explains change theories and how to land change within an organisation.  Offering tools to help those proposing the change as well as looking at how humans handle change and what can be done to help them.

Black Puzzle Pieces

DISC Types Training

This workshop explores DISC behavioural preferences and how individuals prefer to approach problems, people, pace and procedures in their work and personal life.

The workshop will provide clues to help identify the preferred type of key stakeholders and colleagues and help delegates to understand how best to communicate with each type.


The workshop includes a DISC assessment for each delegate and if an intact team, an overall combined team assessment.  

Young Businesswoman

Talent Development Programme

A comprehensive 6 module programme covering all aspects of personal and professional development.  Previously this has also been delivered for female only cohorts to help develop their skills and confidence to enable them to seek promotion, often in male dominated industries.

Arriving to Work

First 90 Days Executive Onboarding

A programme to support new senior team members both before and after they join the organisation.  Designed to enable them to hit the ground running and make the most of the valuable first 90 days in a role.

Hour Glass

Personal Efficiency and Time Management

One of our most popular programmes this can be delivered in single workshops or as a complete programme.  Drawing on years of research and personal experience this provides knowledge, skills and tools to enable the delegates to plan their time and areas for focus.  Ensuring they work on the most important things in the most effective way.

Hand Holding Brown Paper Bag

Lunch and Learn Sessions

We can offer a range of training sessions in a lunch and learn format.  Providing your teams with training on a range of topics in bit size format.

©2023 by Attain Coaching.

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